

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the original author or contributor. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the UK P&I Club.

トーマス・ミラー社は、「海事クレームの動向」フォーラムをYoung Maritime Professionals(YMP) とともに共催しました。 今年で3回目となる同フォーラムには、弁護士やブローカー、専門家を含むYMPメンバーから70人以上が参加し、中国の大豆クレームの問題、最近の判例やアテネ条約における「運送(Carriage)」の定義などについて有意義なプレゼンテーションが行われました。配布資料に興味のある方は、Amanda Hastingにお問い合わせください。

Thomas Miller has again hosted its annual Trends in Maritime Claims event in conjunction with the Young Maritime Professionals (YMP).

Now in its third year, the event was very well attended. Over 70 YMP members from across the London market, including solicitors, barristers, brokers, experts and other P&I insurers, listened to presentations given by P&I, Defence, ITIC and TT Club. 

Amanda Hastings spoke on soybean claims in China and examined possible grounds for the increased claims as well as providing loss prevention and claims handling tips.

Christopher Karageorgis and Lyall Hickson focused on getting the basics right in commencing arbitrations, reviewing some of the recent case law in this area.

Karolina Bieganska spoke on the recent decision in Jennings v TUI UK Limited [2018] EWHC 82 (Admlty) and its impact on the definition of "carriage" under the Athens Convention.

There were also very interesting talks by our colleagues Andrea Gentile (TT Club) on "Cargo Integrity and the CTU Code" and Tom Irving (ITIC) on PI Claims affecting Marine Surveyors.

If you would be interested in an electronic copy of the handouts, please contact Amanda Hastings.

Amanda Hastings

Claims Executive
