国際海運会議所(ICS) - 2020年の低硫黄含有燃料油規制に向けた暫定ガイダンスのご紹介

国際海運会議所は、2020年に世界的に実施される硫黄含有燃料油の使用規制に備える海運業界また船舶の乗組員に向けて、暫定的なガイダンスを発表しました。詳細は添付ガイダンスをご覧ください。From 1 January 2020, in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI1, the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board commercial ships trading outside sulphur Emission Control Areas (ECAs)2 must not exceed 0.50% m/m. 

The 0.50% sulphur limit is a significant reduction from the current global limit of 3.50% m/m which has been in place since 2012. The worldwide implementation of this important new International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirement - referred to in this Guidance as the 'Global Sulphur Cap' - therefore represents a regulatory game changer.  

for this reason, The International Chamber of Shipping have produced a guide aimed at Shipping Companies and Crews on preparing for compliance with this 2020 'Global Sulphur Cap'.

A full copy of this guide is available to download as a PDF above.


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