Press Release: TT, UK P&I, UK Defenceクラブ の新デジタルプラットフォーム, Thomas Miller Connect

UK P&Iクラブをはじめ、TTクラブ、UK Defence クラブは、メンバーの皆様に向けた新しいオンラインサービスThomas Miller Connectの提供をスタートしました。メンバー、ブローカーそしてネットワークパートナーに必要不可欠な情報リソースを2019年12月より提供しておりますので、ご活用ください。

TT Club, the UK P&I Club and UK Defence Club, part of Thomas Miller Group, launched a new user-friendly online hub of essential resources for Members, customers and their network partners, called Thomas Miller Connect, in December, seeing significant uptake. 

Thomas Miller has seen over 1,200 sign ups by Members to its new web-based platform, which puts the user at the forefront of the Clubs' digital services and has been intuitively designed to ensure their Members' online experience is seamless as possible. The new portal connects users to the Clubs via a secure login and allows them instant access to their insurance documentation from any device.

Download the full press release as a PDF above. 

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PI Club
