
毎年恒例のSAFETY4SEA社主宰のアワードが、本年はギリシャ アテネにあるヨットクラブで昨日開催され、UKクラブのクルーヘルス・プログラムがinitiative部門賞を受賞しました。The annual Safety4Sea award ceremony was held at the Yacht Club of Greece, Athens, yesterday evening at which it was announced that the UK Club Crew Health Programme had won the Safety4Sea Initiative Award. The award presentation was made by Ms. Athena Kanellatou, Regional Director of sponsors MacGregor and accepted by UK Club Senior Loss Prevention Executive David Nichol on behalf of the Programme Director Sophia Bullard, who was unfortunately unable to attend in person. This prestigious accolade is recognition of the market leading status of the Club's crew health initiatives.

Photos from the event can be viewed below:

Staff Author

PI Club
