
シンガポールでは、2019年12月29日より「1976年の海事債権についての責任の制限に関する条約」を改定する1996年議定書(96LLMC) に基づく責任限度額に引き上げられました。

On 29 December 2019, Singapore implemented the Protocol of 1996 to Amend the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (the "1996 Protocol").

For (i) a brief background on the 1996 Protocol and (ii) a comparison of the limits under the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976 and the limits under the 1996 Protocol (as amended in 2012), please refer to the UK P&I Club's legal update dated 31 January 2019[1].

Singapore's limits of liability for maritime claims are now as follows:

Tonnage (GT)

Claims for loss of life or personal injury (SDR)

Other claims (SDR)






3,020,000 + 1,208/ton over 2,000 tons


1,510,000 + 604/ton over 2,000 tons



36,844,000 + 906/ton over 30,000 tons


18,422,000 + 453/ton over 30,000 tons



73,084,000 + 604/ton over 70,000 tons

36,542,000 + 302/ton over 70,000 tons

The implementation of the 1996 Protocol does not apply in relation to any liability arising out of an occurrence which took place before 29 December 2019.  

[1] https://www.ukpandi.com/knowledge-publications/article/legal-update-singapore-intention-to-implement-the-1996-protocol-to-llmc-1976-and-the-international-convention-on-salvage-1989-147131/

Staff Author

PI Club
