

5月末、UKクラブのリスク・アセッサーは、ロンドン事務所においてロスプリベンション・チームと年2回の定例会議を行いました。1990以来、当クラブの経験豊富なリスク・アセッサーは加入船舶でクレームの原因となる脅威に焦点を置き乗船検査を行ってまいりました。 船長やチーフエンジニア経験者で構成された当クラブ専属の乗船検査チームは今日まで12,900隻を超えるメンバー船舶を検査しております。

The Club's Risk Assessors visited the London office at the end of May for a bi-annual meeting with the Loss Prevention team. Since 1990, the Club's full-time and highly experienced Risk Assessors have been visiting Member vessels to focus on threats that we know from past experience have caused claims. To date, over 12,900 ships have been inspected by the Club's dedicated team of experienced Master Mariners and Chief Engineers.

Every year the UK P&I Club handles thousands of claims. The insight gained from this has enabled us to develop an in-house Risk Assessment system on board our Members' vessels. As such, we invite Members to commission our experienced team of Risk Assessors to conduct risk analyses of your entered ships. Our Risk Assessors, all ex Masters or Chief Engineers, have a worldwide presence and each Assessment takes approximately 3-4 hours.

This scheme operates completely separately to our condition surveys, is voluntary and available to all Club Members at no additional cost - the sole aim is to assist Members in identifying and mitigating threats based on five main risk areas: personal injury, navigation, pollution, machinery & equipment and cargo. The analysis will show you how major hazards could occur on your ships, and suggestions on safeguards to prevent them.

If this Risk Assessment programme is of interest, please do not hesitate to contact the Loss Prevention team on

Staff Author

PI Club
