

今週、UKクラブのシニア・ロスプリベンション・アドバイザー、Anuj VelankarとリスクアセッサーのAnsuman Ghoshは、インドのマハラシュトラ州海軍教育訓練校(MANET)とトラニ・マリタイム・インスティテュート(TMI)を訪問し、「より安全な未来のために」をテーマにした当クラブ150周年記念コンペティションの応募を募りました。

This week UK Club Senior Loss Prevention Advisor

Anuj Velankar

and Risk Assessor

Ansuman Ghosh

visited Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education Training (MANET) and Tolani Maritime Institute in India.

The two were there to promote the UK Club's 150th Safety competition - Investing in a safer tomorrow.

With Stage 1 of the competition closing on 30th November 2018 we hope to see lots of cadets taking part in the competition. For full details of the competition and how to apply go to the dedicated microsite:

Staff Author

PI Club
