中国: 乗組員の交代と下船についてのアップデート


中国メディアによると10港で外国人乗組員の交代が再開される模様です。また上海当局は、乗組員傷病による下船について通達を発表しました。詳細は添付のHuatai Circular PNI[2020]13をご覧ください。

It is reported by Chinese media that foreign crew change operations will resume in ten Chinese ports including Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Haikou.

Shanghai government recently issued a Notice allowing change and disembarkation of foreign seafarers under certain conditions. Measures of treatment for ill/injured seafarers and Chinese crew change are also clarified in the same Notice.

The main procedures of the measures are summarised in the below Huatai Circular PNI[2020]13- Chinese Ports Update - Development on Foreign Crew Change and Disembarkation. For easy reference, the circular has been issued in both English and Chinese.

For further information please get in touch woth your Club contact who will be pleased to assist you. 


Staff Author

PI Club
