中国- 厦門港における航路指定制度及び船位通報制度‐2022年3月1日改定
中国のコレスポンデンツOasis P&I社は、厦門(Xiamen)港における船舶の航路指定制度及び船位通報制度が、2022年3月1日付で改定されると報じています。詳細は同社回覧No.2202をご覧ください。
The UK Club’s Correspondents, Oasis P&I, provide an update on the revised ship routing and reporting systems at Xiamen Port which will come into effect on 1 March 2022. In brief, following this date:
- Ships of 50,000 tons and above proceeding to and from Dongdu, Haicang and Zhaoyin ports of Xiamen are to use the deep-water route
- Ships proceeding to and from Houshi Port are to use the South Channel and the Houshi Channel of Xiamen port rather than the deep-water route
- The revised Ship Reporting System applies to all foreign ships, ships carrying dangerous cargo, ships of restricted manoeuvrability, etc. The original reporting point of Jiujiejiao is replaced by a new reporting line of the Qinqyu Lighthouse.
- The Xiamen VTS area has been divided into two zones with the Qingyu Lighthouse Reporting Line as boundary. The working channel outside the port is VHF 67 and the working channel inside the port is VHF 08.
Oasis’s full Circular No: 2202 with an English translation of the MSA’s announcement and accompanying diagrams may be downloaded below.