ブラジル: カボタージュ制度の大幅な改定

Rio de Janiero


The Club would like to draw to the attention of Members trading to Brazil a well written and comprehensive update on the cabotage trade in Brazil.

This article is on the website of the Club’s correspondents, Proinde, and may be accessed here.

Recently, the Club hosted a very well received webinar focusing on Brazil in which the following topics were discussed; Cargo operations in Brazil: Current status and issues, the risk of operating vessels in Brazil from the P&I perspective and an update on Brazil Oil & Gas projects and related risks. A recording of the webinar is available here.

The Club has also issued guidance on the cabotage regimes in several other jurisdictions. Click here for the guidance relating to Argentina, Australia, China, Colombia, India, Peru and the United States. and here for the guidance relating to Nigeria.

Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
