ECM Client Alert


カナダ運輸省が発表したShip Safety Bulletin 12/2021 は、2021年6月1日に発効したブリティッシュコロンビア州南部の海域に生息するシャチ(学名Orcinus orca) の保護に関する暫定命令に基づく、船舶の航行制限等の要件を伝えています。

Members are referred to Transport Canada’s Ship Safety Bulletin (SSB) 12/2021 which clarifies requirements for vessels under the Interim Order for the Protection of the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2021 which came into force on 1 June 2021. The Interim Order has been introduced to reduce the acoustic and physical disturbance of vessels on the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) and it applies to all vessels navigating in, on or through specific waters in Southern British Columbia. The measures adopted in the Interim Order are; A) an increase of the previous 200 meter minimum approach distance from SRKW, to a 400m minimum approach distance. This prohibition will be in place until 31 May, 2022; and B) the establishment of three interim sanctuary zones. Persons operating vessels, or vessels, are prohibited from navigating in these zones until 30 November, 2021.

For additional details, please see ECM Maritime Services’ Client Alert 12-2021.


  • ECM Client Alert 122021 Canada Protecting Killer Whales in S British Columbia 1 MB


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Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
