UKクラブウェビナー (Series 24): 脱炭素戦略はどのように具体化しているか?

UK Club Webinar Decarbonisation Strategy Shaping Up
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UK P&Iクラブの第24回ウェビナーでは、サステナビリティ・ダイレクターのPatric Ryanがパネリストとともに、海運業界における脱炭素に向けての様々な取り組みについて議論しました。45以上の国から時差を超えて集まった参加者の皆様には、パネリストの活気に満ちた議論やQ&Aセッションをライブでご視聴いただきました。

The UK P&I Club recently hosted a live webinar. Patrick Ryan, the Club's Sustainability Director, asked the panel how the shipping industry's decarbonisation strategy is shaping up?

On the panel were:

  • Stephen Gordon, Managing Director - Clarksons Research
  • Charles Haskell, Programme Manager - Lloyd's Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub
  • Harsh Bhave, Director, Fleet – Pacific Basin Shipping
  • Sanjay Verma, Director – Decarbonisation Solutions at Wartsila

The panel discussed the various challenges and decarbonisation strategies taking shape across the shipping industry.

The webinar was very well attended by people from over 45 countries, across different time zones, participating in a lively discussion and a Q&A session.

A recording of the webinar can be viewed above.

Patrick Ryan

Sustainability Director and Head of Club Secretariat

Ansuman Ghosh

Director of Risk Assessment
