621 - 1/09 - New transit lane - Gulf of Aden


Changes have been made to the Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA), which was established last year in the Gulf of Aden.

The Association published a News alert in September 2008 advising Members of the MSPA, which is patrolled by a force of Coalition Navy warships and aircraft.

The revised UKMTO Transit Corridor is now in effect. Coordinates are:

12° 00'.0 North 045 East 14° 30 North 053'.0 East

11° 55'.0 North 045 East 14° 25 North 053'.0 East

11° 53'.0 North 045 East 14° 23 North 053'.0 East

11° 48'.0 North 045 East 14° 18 North 053'.0 East

Revisions to the corridor include the creation of separate eastbound and westbound transit lanes. Each lane will be 5nm wide and will be separated by a 2nm buffer zone. The eastbound lane will begin at 045° 00'.0 East between 11° 48'.0 North and 11° 53'.0 North. The lane will be orientated along a straight line course of 072°(T) and terminate at 053 degrees East between 14° 18'.0 North and 14° 23'.0 North. The westbound lane will begin at 053 degrees East between 14° 25'.0 North and 14° 30'.0 North. The lane will be orientated along a course of 252°(T) and terminate at 045 degrees East between 11° 55'.0 North and 12° 00'.0 North.

The UKMTO Transit Corridor is not marked or defined by visual navigational means, nor is it intended to be a dedicated traffic separation scheme but in order for warship patrols to be effective, vessels transiting the GOA are strongly recommended to adhere to these guidelines regarding use of the UKMTO Transit Corridor.


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