ECM Client Alert 17-2018: Updated IMO list of national operational contact points


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) issued an updated list of national operational contact points dated July 31, 2018. ECM Maritime Services have provided the attached client alert on the issue.


As we previously noted in Client Alert 07-2017, the LIST OF NATIONAL OPERATIONAL CONTACT POINTS is now named "Annex" instead of "Annex 2". The former Annex 1 that provides access to the FLAG STATE CONTACT POINTS FOR PSC MATTERS, CASUALTY INVESTIGATION SERVICES AND SHIP'S INSPECTION SERVICES is no longer provided as part of the MSC-MEPC.6 circular but is now available through the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) on the IMO's website. A registration, login and password are required to access the information. Owners / operators should ensure their Masters have access to this information. Please ensure that your SOPEP or SMPEP on board your vessels is duly updated with the current list.



  • 33238 - Client_Alert_17-2018_-_Updated_IMO_List_of_National_Operational_Contact_Points 624 KB


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