Special General Meeting - January 2013


The Club's latest

Circular 21/12

announces a Special General Meeting to be held on 22nd January 2013 in Bermuda. The circular includes the meeting papers and a proxy form that which enables Members to cast their vote on the three resolutions proposed at that meeting.

As in past years, the first resolution relates to routine amendments to the Club Rules. These amendments are detailed in Appendix A which is attached to the circular.

The other two resolutions are amendments to the Rules, the Club's Bye-Laws and its Articles of Association as part of the restructure process approved by our Members at the October 2012 Annual General Meeting.

The changes are detailed and explained in Appendix B. This document is quite lengthy and will not be part of the mailing of hard copies scheduled for Wednesday 9th January. Members are recommended to download the file attachment from the web version of the circular.

Individual proxy forms in respect of the three SGM resolutions will be sent directly to Members as part of the hard copy mailing. Once received, Members should send their completed proxy form to the Secretary to arrive no later than 12 hours before the meeting. These forms can be submitted to the Club Secretary by email, fax or mail.

Staff Author


