MLC 2006 - Certificates of Entry as evidence of financial security

Efforts by the International Group to obtain confirmation from flag states that they will accept club certificates of entry as evidence of financial security for liabilites under MLC 2006 continue to make progress.

Of late there have been five new confirmations from Barbados, Pilau, Philippines and Poland. Russia also has confirmed to the extent that until their legislation describes otherwise a certificate of entry will be accepted by the Russian ship registry.

Positive signals from other states suggest more will eventually accept a certificate of entry as confirmation of cover. A number cannot or will not provide written confirmation to this effect until national implementing legislation has progressed through their respective legislative systems, and accompanying policies and guidelines have been finalised and published.

The current full list of confirmed States is:

1. Australia

2. Antigua & Barbuda

3. Bahamas

4. Barbados

5. Canada

6. Cayman Islands (UK will need to ratify before MLC can enter into force in CI)

7. Cyprus

8. Denmark

9. Greece

10. Isle of Man (UK will need to ratify before MLC can enter into force in IOM)

11. Kiribati

12. Liberia

13. Malta

14. Marshall Islands

15. Norway

16. Panama

17. Philippines (awaiting written confirmation but verbal agreement received)


19. Poland

20. Russia (C of E is acceptable unless we are advised to the contrary)

21. Singapore

22. Spain

23. Sweden

24. Switzerland

25. St Kitts & Nevis

26. St Vincent & Grenadines

27. Tuvalu

28. (UK)

Staff Author


