Analysis of Major Claims 1993


This third report of our analysis of major claims develops further the detailed analyes published in the two previous editions based upon an increasing number of claims now available for analysis.

The UK P&I Club is committed to quality; both quality in respect of the standards to which Members adhere in their own operations and also quality service to those Members by the Club and its Managers. This analysis seeks to advance both these aims; it is itself a service to the Members who will, by considering the collective claims experience of their fellow Members, be able to review their own exposure to P&I claims and consider how they might best reduce that risk.

Quality is, of course, much wider than mere avoidance of P&I claims, yet the measures necessary to achieve the latter will inevitably contribute to enhancing the former.

This report develops the conclusions of the previous two reports and, for the first time, approaches claims from the perspective of the relevant trade type, ie. tankers, bulk carriers, etc. 

It continues to reflect suggestions received from Members in response to the previous two editions, and the Managers would welcome any comments and proposals from Members as to what further information of value to them might be obtained from the substantial data which the Managers hold in respect of the claims of almost one quarter of the world's blue water tonnage.



Staff Author


