279 - 01/03 - Bunkering - New safety precautions - Santos - Brazil

We have been advised that following a fatal accident involving an inspector of a bunker barge, who fell from a pilot ladder of a vessel receiving bunkers, Petrobras, the state oil company responsible for supply of bunkers, has issued the following safety instructions: -1. 

All bunkering operations will be carried out in the presence of an operational safety inspector employed by Technimar, a company contracted by Petrobras. This will be at no cost to owners. The inspector will verify whether safety procedures as established by international maritime conventions are being adhered to both by the attending barge and by the vessel being replenished with bunkers.


If an access ladder "quebra-peito " is used to enable transit between the ship and attending barge, only ladders that comply with IMO SOLAS (Chapter V Rule 17) will be accepted. It is of paramount importance that ladders are in good condition.


It is compulsory for the vessel receiving bunkers to have one crewmember on stand-by at the top of the ladder every time it is used by a Petrobras safety inspector or by a crewmember of the attending barge.

The safety of operations depends on the above procedures being complied with. We have been advised that a confirmation by fax that the instructions have been understood must be sent to Petrobras on the following number: - +55 13 30146046. This must also be passed on to the master of the ship to be supplied with bunkers. Without these procedures being completed Petrobras will not proceed with the bunkering process. 

Source of Information:

Carlos AugustoRepresentações Proinde 


Direct email carlos.augusto@proinde.com.br Tel +55 13 32193365Fax +55 13 32194550

Mobile +55 13 78041532


Staff Author


