347 - 02/04 - Deadline for Security Plans to be Submitted by Australian Ship Operators and Industry Participants - Australia


We have been advised that all Australian maritime industry participants, including regulated Australian ship operators, must submit their security plans by 1st March 2004 to the Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS).The maritime Transport Security Act 2003 defines a regulated Australian ship as:A passenger ship (carrying more than 12 passengers) that is used for overseas or interstate voyages;A cargo ship of 500 or more gross tonnage that is used for overseas or interstate voyages;A mobile offshore drilling unit that is on an overseas or interstate voyage (other than a unit that is attached to the seabed);A ship of a kind prescribed in the regulations.Plans submitted to DOTARS will then be reviewed. If they are approved a notification will then be sent to the IMO. Groups which do not submit a plan in time run the risk of being non-compliant with the new security regulations, which could result in additional security measures and costs if they are to participate in international trade after 1st July 2004.Source of information: 

Marine Notice 2/2004




Staff Author


