Alert! 5 - Investing in quality - investing in people


Regulation is required to ensure safer and secure shipping and cleaner oceans. It is usually brought about as a result of a casualty that has an effect on the safety or security of shipping or an impact on the environment, or has caused public (or media) outcry.

Regulations invariably are spawned from proposals from one or more participating nations within the various international bodies (IMO, ILO etc) and are eventually agreed by consensus within these bodies before being adopted as a convention, resolution or amendment, and ultimately accepted, ratified, acceded - or ignored - by the receiving countries. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept, which is perhaps new to the global maritime industry. CSR presupposes that regulations are followed, and is a programme of self-regulation and voluntary commitment towards sustainability reporting. It encourages companies to be more accountable, inclusive and transparent for their performance on economic, environmental and social issues, including business ethics, labour practices and human rights.

CSR is not just about satisfying shareholders - it reflects a commitment to working with many stakeholders - not least employees, their families, the local community and society at large, to improve their quality of life.

This issue of Alert! looks at the regulatory, business and ethical influences on the Human Element in the shipping industry. The Alert! project is a forum for like-minded people to share ideas and solve problems on human element issues.

The website - - provides a reference resource for study and information. Contributions to the Bulletin and to the website database are always welcome, as are letters to the editor, which will be published on the website.

The Editor


The Nautical Institute

202 Lambert Road




Staff Author


