407 - 04/05 - Compulsory Insurance - Georgia

The Club has just been made aware of the following information received by way of circular issued by the Maritime Transport Administration of Georgia.


"From April 01 2005, the ship owner of a vessel at any port of Georgia must fulfil the following requirements:

A) Compulsory Insurance

  • Applicable to all foreign vessels over 500 gross tonnes
  • Cover to include bunker oil removal and shipwreck removal, and the insurance cover must be equal to the sum of the limit of liability (including personal claim) for bunker oil pollution and (other than personal claim) for shipwreck removal.

B) Carrying a relevant certificate onboard

· When vessels are visiting a port of Georgia, the certificate of insurance must be carried onboard.

· Alternatively, the certificate of entry issued by designated insurers from P&I Clubs belonging to the International Group of P&I Clubs will be accepted.

C) Report of the status of insurance

· The master of the vessel or agent in Georgia is required to report to the harbour Master the status of insurance and identification information of the vessel prior to entry in to ports.

D) Inspection

· Vessels will be subject to inspection and ship-owners will be penalised and vessel liable for detention should the master of a vessel fail to comply with regulations.

E) Liability rule

· Liability rule on bunker oil pollution damage includes strict or joint liability on the ship-owner and charterer".


UK P&I Club contact:

David Clark



Source of information:

Loss Prevention Department

UK P&I Club




Staff Author


