802 - 12/11 - MLC ratification- Worldwide
It is expected that the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) will attain full ratification at the ILO in the forthcoming year. The Club would wish to advise Members to acquaint themselves with the convention so that they may be fully prepared for its implementation.
The convention currently has 22 signatories and has already satisfied the gross tonnage criteria for full ratification (more than 33% of the world fleet). But full ratification also requires 30 member nations to approve the convention. Currently eight more signatures are required. According to a press release from the Marshal Islands flag authority this is expected to occur early next year. The convention will be fully enforced 12 months after the 30th signature is obtained.
The Club advises all Members to fully appraise themselves with the MLC convention so that they may take the necessary steps in order to be fully compliant when the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 becomes fully enforced.
Source of Information:
Loss Prevention
UK P&I Club