840 - 08/12 - Australian Fairways - NW Australia


In order to reduce the risk of collision between vessels and any subsequent
environmental damage off the North-western Australian coast, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority have established a network of marine fairways.

Larger vessels, such as Bulk carriers and Gas tankers headed for larger ports in the region will be encouraged to use these fairways. The fairways route these larger vessels away from offshore installations, reefs and shallows.

The Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) in conjunction with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) will produce new editions of both paper and electronic charts detailing the fairways. AMSA will advise through Notice to Mariners the availability of these charts.

It should be noted that although the Australian authorities encourage the use of these fairways they are not Traffic Separation Schemes and therefore grant no special considerations to vessels using them.

Members who operate or are likely to operate off the North-western Australian coast are encouraged to make themselves familiar with these recommendations.


Staff Author

