Senior Loss Prevention Advisor Capt. Anuj Velankar attends TMS Bulkers crew seminar

The UK P&I Club was recently invited to take part in a seminar for the officers of Members TMS Bulkers Ltd. Senior Loss Prevention Advisor Captain Anuj Velankar represented the Club, taking part in talks and interactive workshops.

The day started with a talk on general P&I issues and bulk carrier claims, followed by a talk on enclosed spaces. Enclosed space casualties are responsible for the largest source of operations related fatalities on vessels and the talk included case studies and best practices.

Following the talk, Anuj attended a workshop on personal injuries and slips trips & falls. The interactive workshop, divided the attendees into small groups that had to discuss various scenarios leading to personal injuries and then come up with applicable barriers.

The workshop was followed by a talk on safe anchoring procedures. Various issues such as case studies related to loss of anchors and accidents while heaving up were discussed along with best practices related to anchoring.

The day was concluded by another set of workshops related to engine room fires and navigational safety. The seafarers were again divided into smaller groups discussed scenarios regarding various casualties. Members can find more about these topics from our Loss Prevention department's risk focus series.

The Club is grateful for the opportunity to allow us to interact so closely with the seafarers and looks forward to further such opportunities.

If you would like to tailor a similar seminar for your crew or would like the Club to contribute in a smaller capacity, please reach out to the loss prevention team or your usual contact at the Club.

Captain Anuj Velankar

Regional Loss Prevention Director (Singapore)
