New Zealand - Biofouling Update


The UK Club have received the following update from local correspondents P&I Services Limited, regarding biofouling regulations in New Zealand.


On 15th May 2018, the Craft Risk Management Standard (CRMS) came into force. CRMS sets out the requirements for management of biofouling risks associated with ships entering New Zealand Territorial Waters (within the 12nm limit). CRMS is monitored and implemented by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

In the preceding four years, MPI operated a voluntary "clean hull" protocol which has seen some ships being found to have unclean hulls on inspection and in some cases ordered out of New Zealand Territorial Waters for cleaning. As of May 15th 2018, the CRMS became mandatory. Ships which do not comply with the CRMS risk being ordered to leave New Zealand ports and New Zealand Territorial Waters.

At a recent briefing given by MPI, the point was made very strongly that the recently elected Government in New Zealand, which has the Green Party of New Zealand as one of its coalition components, intends to set a high bar on biosecurity risks across the board. The importance of ship operators taking ownership of this problem and having put in place measures to ensure a clean hull prior to the ship's arrival in New Zealand was stressed.


Members can read the full update from P&I Services Limited.


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