Crew Health Advice: Living with Lockdown at Sea

Seafarer looking out to sea

The sudden onset of Covid-19 and the unprecedented impact on our lives whether we are on a lockdown at home, stranded at sea, working in the first line, or on furlough can take an emotional toll on all of us. The experience of living through this outbreak will daunt us for a while, even after we return to some kind of normalcy. Being proactive and protecting our mental health is a priority that we all need to address.

The Club has been working with the Innovative Maritime Emotional Intelligence Center (I.M.E.Q) to create this important advice for Seafarers which can be downloaded below. 

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with our the Club's Crew Health programme Director Sophia Bullard who will be pleased to assist you. 


  • Crew Health Advice_Living with Lockdown at Sea 432 KB


    Download PDF

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