UK P&I Club announced the winners of 'Investing in a Safer Tomorrow' global maritime competition at the Club's 150th anniversary Gala at National Maritime Museum
UK P&Iクラブは、創設150周年を記念して海上の安全向上のための革新的なアイデアを募集した'Investing in a Safer Tomorrow'コンペティションの最終選考候補者10名を選出しました。
Press Release: UK P&I クラブ、オフショアカバーを提供開始
Accidents relating to entry into enclosed spaces have resulted in a large number of deaths of both ship and shore personnel so far this year. David Nichol, UK P&I Club risk assessor, reviews enclosed space incidents and his suggestions for safer working practices.
UK P&I Club ("The UK Club"), one of the leading shipping protection and indemnity mutual insurers, announces its financial results for year ended 20 February 2015.
The UK P&I Club (the UK Club), one of the oldest shipping protection and indemnity insurance mutuals, formally announces a reorganisation of its structure to establish the UK Europe as the sole provider of direct insurance business to UK Club Members. The new structure will take effect from February 2013 and does not impact members in the 2012 policy year.
The UK P&I Club has announced that it is reorganising its structure to establish UK Europe as the sole provider of direct insurance to UK Club members. By reducing the number of separately regulated insurers from two to one, the UK Club aims to streamline governance, reduce compliance costs and more efficiently manage the Club's solvency capital requirements whilst meeting the impending Solvency 2 regulations for insurers in the European Union.
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