Fraudulent Email Disclaimer
We have recently reviewed our email security arrangements in an effort to reduce the volume of potentially fraudulent emails we receive. A number of measures have been put in place to better validate the legitimacy of the email sender before allowing messages into our internal email system. Included is the use of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record validation. This gives positive proof that the email is from a legitimate domain associated with the sender company. In the unlikely event that you have not added an SPF entry to your domain record your messages will not pass this simple validation check and cannot be received into our email system. Please ask your usual Club contact if you would like our IT specialists to discuss with your IT department.
Change of bank account emails
We are aware that from time to time Members receive emails purporting to come from the Managers requesting that payments to the Club are made to a bank account other than that stated on the Club's debit notes. It is recommended that Members verify the genuineness of any such request with their usual contact in the Managers' organisation (preferably by telephone as email may have been compromised) before making any payment to a new account.
The Club has not changed nor has any plans to change its banking arrangements. Any requests to make payments other than into the Club's usual bank account should therefore be treated as suspect and you should contact your usual Club contact by phone to confirm.