TB31 - Gyro Compass Errors
It is important to check the error of the ship’s gyro compass
The UK Club’s inspectors, as well as third party surveyors working on behalf of the Club, have reported that there is a lack of understanding of the importance of checking the error of the ship’s gyro compass.
Compass errors should be taken regularly whilst on passage ( at least once a watch ) and the repeaters checked for alignment with the master compass prior to sailing. Bearings of celestial bodies should be taken and computed to determine the gyro error when out of sight of land and transit bearings can be taken when coasting or under pilotage.
Navigators should be aware that the error can alter due to the ship’s speed and should familiarise themselves with any ‘speed correctors’ fitted to the compass. The compass error should also be checked following any large alteration of course.
It should also be noted that PSC inspectors also regard the compass error book as an important navigational record.
For further information please contact:
Loss Prevention Department,
Thomas Miller P&I Ltd
Tel: +44 20 7204 2307.
Fax +44 20 7283 6517
Email: lossprevention.ukclub@thomasmiller.com