A Guide to People Claims
Information and documentation required to efficiently handle your claim
People related claims account for approximately 40% of the Club’s annual expenditure. For Members, the financial impact can be significant, in addition to the disruption and inconvenience caused to ship operations by accidents and illness on board. When accidents happen, it is important to have the right team onside, thus ensuring that claims are handled efficiently from the start and getting the best result for everyone involved.
With dedicated people claims teams and case handlers based in London, New Jersey, San Francisco, Piraeus, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo, we provide global, on-the-spot help and assistance for all people related matters, 24 hours a day.
Our dedicated people claims teams exclusively handle all P&I and Defence matters involving crew and other third parties. This includes claims in respect of injury, illness and death of crew, stevedores, passengers and other third parties. In addition, they handle matters involving drug smuggling, immigration and customs fines, loss of and/or damage to personal effects of crew and others, stowaways, refugees and ITF disputes.
Download the full brochure below.