Risk Focus: Kidnap and Ransom
Piracy and armed robbery in the waters off West Africa has become a very serious concern for the maritime Industry. The Gulf of Guinea is one of the most dangerous regions in the world for seafarers. A report by Oceans Beyond Piracy revealed that there have been 32 kidnaps for ransom during 2016 in the Gulf of Guinea. These attacks have become increasingly violent, often involving firearms, and cases of kidnapping for ransom have become more common.
The costs of protecting vessels in the region are well known and the threat of kidnap in the Gulf of Guinea is unlikely to disappear or decrease significantly in the next year or so. The UK Club's Loss Prevention department, together with Hellenic War Risks and Terra Firma Risk Management, have produced a guide for seafarers, which explores the background of the current situation, explains what happens during a kidnap, and provides some insight into the training available for shipping companies and crews.
For more information, or to request a copy of the guide please contact Lossprevention.ukclub@thomasmiller.com