Hugo Wynn-Williams at the UK P&I Club's 150th Anniversary Gala Dinner, speaking at the National Maritime Museum on 4th July 2019.
The Reverend Cannon Andrew Wright at the UK Club's 150th Anniversary Gala Dinner, hosted at the National Maritime Museum on the 4th July 2019.
Lessons Learnt: Bunker Spill
This video focuses on a spillage incident that occurred during a poorly planning bunkering operation, with neglect of the company's SMS procedures.
Lessons Learnt: Collision When Overtaking
A collision occurred between the subject tanker (4,829 GRT) and an overtaking dry cargo ship (93,152 gross tons) in conditions of good weather and visibility on the morning 4-8 watch
This video focuses on an engineer who fell from a generator platform. The videos feature solutions and thought-provoking preventative strategies to mitigate the risk of accidents like those portrayed happening again.
Fishing vessels may not always be relied upon to keep a good lookout, manoeuvre as expected or display the correct lights and signals where catching fish may be prioritised over compliance with the COLREGS
Lessons Learnt: Death of a Bosun
This video features the Death of a Bosun
Investing in a safer tomorrow - Ad
UK Club's 150th anniversary competition - Investing in a safer tomorrow aims to find the next big innovation in shipping safety. A total prize fund of $50,000 is up for grabs.
For a Safer Tomorrow
To celebrate its 150th Anniversary in 2019 the Club is launching a global competition, aimed at developing safety innovation in shipping.
'Can test' can save lives
Over the past decade, at least 100 seafarers are known to have lost their lives due to bulk cargoes liquefying at sea. More tragic still is that the deaths could have been prevented if a simple test had been carried out and acted upon before the ships left port. These seven videos, which UK P&I Club has produced in partnership with global cargo experts Minton Treharne & Davis (MTD), explain what a can test is and what it looks like in practice.