Soundings UK Defence Club- Brexit
Soundings UK Defence Club- August 2016
Soundings UK Defence- July 2016
Risk Focus: Kidnap and Ransom
The UK Club's Loss Prevention department, together with Hellenic War Risks and Terra Firma Risk Management, have produced a guide for seafarers, which explores the background of Piracy and armed robbery and explains what happens during a kidnap. It also provides some insight into the training available for shipping companies and crews.
Amendments to the MLC to implement requirements for financial security will enter into force on 18th January 2017
Members are referred to Circular 9/15 informing Members that non-tank vessels in transit through Western Alaska waters en route to or from a US port are required to follow Alternative Planning Criteria (APC) in order to fulfil federal requirements.
Soundings- UK Defence Club
Circular 10/16:New IG/CINS Guidelines for the Carriage of Calcium Hypochlorite in Containers
The International Group and the shipping line members of the Cargo Incident Notification System have collaborated to produce a new set of guidelines for the carriage of Calcium Hypochlorite in containers
Circular 9/16: Syria Sanctions
The European Union and the United States continue to apply trade sanctions against the Government of Syria
The International Group recommends that the 2011 Inter-Club Agreement should be applied to all NYPE/Asbatime charterparties. The Group has therefore drafted a charterparty clause to promote the application and incorporation of the 2011 Agreement into all NYPE/Asbatime charterparties.
Soundings UK Defence- May 2016