Phone-a-Friend with Richard Barnes
In this video the supercargo expert Richard Barnes speaks on the various practical challenges related to the operating of a chemical tanker
Phone-A-Friend with Stephen Mackin
In this video the lawyer Stephen Mackin speaks on the various legal issues related with chemical tanker claims and about liquid cargoes in general
The UK P&I Club recently held a webinar on the subject of Chemical Tanker Claims, the webinar was a great success with more than 1000 registrations from over 58 countries
Inside Ship: Steering Gear Failure
The Club is pleased to bring you the second in our "Inside Ship" video series, this time focusing on the action needed on the bridge when steering gear fails
Under the IMSBC Code, a Group A cargo is one which may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of its transportable moisture limit
In a recent decision on the CMA CGM Libra, the Court of Appeal held that defects in passage planning, could render a vessel unseaworthy
Inside Ship: Importance of Sampling
Risk assessments conducted by the UK Club promote risk awareness and encourage risk management practices on board
Part 1 of our webinar ft Capt Anuj Velankar, Sr Loss Prevention Executive, discussing CMA CGM Libra case study, lessons learned, best practices going forward.
Part 2 of the webinar addresses viewer concerns on Bridge teams' interaction with Pilots
Lessons Learnt: Serious Injury to Pilot
In this Lessons Learnt video: In preparation for arrival in port the pilot ladder was rigged on the side of the vessel
This webinar explores the complex range of 'moving parts' in container ship operations
A notable percentage of large P&I claims are directly related to machinery operations, this webinar explores what can be done to try and reduce these claims