Ask an Expert: Origins of BWM with Lisa Drake from SGS

Ask and Expert - BWM1_Lisa Drake
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Meeting the deadline

As the shipping industry continues to steer through the existing and looming environmental and regulatory landscape, stakeholders must continuously adapt and prepare for the new challenges.

Understanding and complying with ballast water management (BWM) requirements remains a significant barrier for many stakeholders. It is a complex area and no easy task to understand and implement all the different requirements internationally and in the US.

8 September  2019 was a historic day in the maritime calendar, with the ballast water management convention finally coming into force after several years of deliberations. Ship Owners now have a five-year timeframe (until September 2024) to meet the biological discharge standard. Most owners will do so by installing and operating ballast water management systems, with installations projected to peak in 2022.

A three-part series

Join us in our three-part "Ask an Expert" series, where Ansuman Ghosh, Director of Risk Assessment of UK Club discusses the key issues and challenges and listens to the experiences from the experts at SGS, the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company.

SGS operates the largest global network for BWMS commissioning testing, is accredited by all major Classification societies, and has completed almost 500 commissioning tests to date.

The various aspects of BWMS will be captured in a 3 part video series:

A Live Webinar

A live webinar on the topic will follow on 5th August 2021 to answer questions from the industry stakeholders. 

Ask your questions and register for UK P&I CLUB LIVE WEBINAR (Series 17) : Ballast Water Management Outlook

For more information please get in touch with the UK Club Loss Prevention team who will be pleased to assist you. 


UK Club Loss Prevention

