専門家に聞く: 大豆のばら積み貨物

Ask an Expert_Soya bean cargoes in bulk
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新ビデオシリーズ「専門家に聞く」の第一回は、大豆のばら積み貨物の輸送中に発生する主要な問題点とクレームについて、CWA International社のフードサイエンティストであるDr. Stephanie Heardと当クラブのキャプテンAnuj Velankarの対談をお届けします。

Launching the first interview of the 'Ask an Expert' video series, Dr. Stephanie Heard, Food Scientist with CWA International, joins Captain Anuj Velankar of the UK P&I Club, to explore the main issues and claims that arise during the transport of soybean cargo. The USA and Brazil dominate the global production of soy beans, with Brazilian beans usually solely bound for China, and American beans exported to the rest of Asia and Europe.

Dr. Heard maps the fascinating journey of the beans from their origin to their consumption, outlining the care required, and the typical disputes that can arise on the cargo's voyage across the seas. There is also further discussion on issues such as claims processes, loss prevention guidelines and best practice.

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PI Club
