Contracting states of Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 (LLMC 1976)
Letters of Indemnity
This article outlines some key information regarding Letters of Indemnity and addresses some frequently asked questions
Carrying Deck Cargo - at whose risk?
The UK Club routinely advises Members on the implications of proposed carriage of cargo on deck. The Club usually advises on both the contractual aspects, i.e. risk allocation under the Bills of Lading and Charterparties, as well as from a loss prevention/ or practical perspective. Carriage of cargo on deck exposes the cargo to a variety of extra risks from the elements, such as sea-spray and wind, as well as the potential risk of being washed off or falling overboard due to bad weather conditions or inadequate lashing/stabilising. Depending on the cargo, there may also be issues with the stability of the vessel itself, for example, the carriage of wing blades on top of hatch covers.
Remote Container Management (RCM) systems that allow for cargo to be monitored remotely have been around for a while
This Legal Briefing provides a quick overview of the cabotage regimes in Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Peru and the United States, highlighting the restrictions, the exceptions, and penalties for violating these regulations.
OPA 90 and CLC 92 compared
Comparison of the Oil Pollution Act 1990 and the Civil Liability Convention 1992.
The UK P&I Club has collaborated with Advocate Sertaç Sayhan, to issue this Legal Briefing on "Cargo Claims under the Turkish Commercial Code".
Legal Briefing: Cargo Claims in India
The UK P&I Club has collaborated with Advocate, Mr V. Subramanian, to issue this Legal Briefing on 'Cargo Claims in India'.
Legal Briefing: Cargo Claims under US law
The latest publication from the UK Club Legal Briefing team provides a guide to cargo claims under US law.
Bodily Injury News: Winter 2016 Edition
This year's Bodily Injury Seminar covered a variety of important areas relevant to both US and foreign flag shipowners. Twenty-five Members representing all vessel types, attended the seminar in our Jersey City office to listen to experts talk on: Limitation of Liability, How to Evaluate Pain and Suffering Damages, Crew Mental Health, Medical Case Management, and Medical Repatriation. Find out more in the latest edition of Bodily Injury News.
This comprehensive "white paper" presents a detailed compilation of research findings and ongoing projects related to oil spills in ice-covered Arctic waters.
IG's position paper discussing the recognition of escrow as a viable mode for executing NLRC judgment awards
"The issue of garnishment in the Philippines is an issue that the Council firmly believes is of detriment to the employment of Filipino seafarers,....."
...addressed to the Secretary of Labor and Employment, Rosalinda Baldoz and Undersecretary, Danilo Cruz
New round of Vessel General Permit (VGP) to be enacted on the 19th December 2013.
Annex V of the MARPOL Convention aims to eliminate and reduce the amount of garbage being dumped into the sea from ships
Regulations and advisories in relation to Panama's ratification of MLC 2006 and implementation through its national maritime legislation.
Bahamas - MLC 2006 compliance resources
Regulations and advisories in relation to Bahamas ratification of the MLC 2006 and its implementation through national maritime legislation.
Antigua - MLC 2006 compliance resources
Regulations and advisories in relation to Antigua's ratification of MLC 2006 and implementation through its national maritime legislation.
Increased liabilities under OSRO contracts
Last week the Club published circular 10/11 in respect of the increased liabilities that Members may potentially incur under the amended contract terms of one of the US based oil spill response organisations (OSRO). We strongly recommend all Members who might be affected to refer to this circular and check their vessel response plan arrangements.