The Club would like to draw Members' attention to the Supreme Court case summary from Del Rosario Law.
The Court of Appeal has unanimously overturned the High Court decision in The Eternal Bliss [2021] EWCA Civ 1712.
QCR Winter 2021: M/V HONEY
Commercial diver working on a recreational vessel could not take advantage of LHWCA exception where plaintiffs failed to demonstrate State Workers' Compensation Cover
Courts not required to construe disputed medical evidence in seamen's favor in maintenance and cure cases.
"BIG FISH" (2021) SGHCR 7 sets principles for full and frank disclosure in Singapore arrest warrants, including potential time bar defences.
QCR Winter 2021: CMA CGM LIBRA
The UK Supreme Court in its judgement issued on 10 November 2021 has upheld the lower Courts' judgments in this case confirming that a defective passage plan can render a vessel unseaworthy
Court of Appeal clarifies warranty obligations in bill of lading disputes, the master's obligation to sign a bill of lading must be performed upon his own judgement
US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed lower court's findings that evidence didn't support allegation of breach by the Defendant vessel owners of Scindia duties.
Quarterly case review from the UK P&I Club indicates that single liability principle does not operate in a collision claim where the claim of one of the shipowners is time-barred.
Goodloe v Royal Caribbean Cruises (Number 19-14324) (11th Cir, 2021): US Eleventh Circuit applies Florida State Law which permits recovery of non-pecuniary damages.
Supreme Court: First major clarification in 50 years on interpretation of International Regulations for Preventing Collisions @ Sea 1972, specifically Crossing Rules
In Adams v All Coast, No
Violation of the California's Ocean-Going Vessel At Berth Regulations Results In almost $2m million settlement.
The crux of the issue in this case was that restroom on Jet Cat Express, passenger vessel owned and operated by Catalina, was too narrow for Plaintiff's wheelchair.
QCR Winter 2020: Bow Jubail - The Court of Appeal in The Hague, Judgment dated 27 October 2020
Bunker spill from an oil and chemical tanker in ballast - Is the tanker a "ship" as defined in the CLC Convention when in ballast, and not carrying persistent oil?- Is limitation to be determined under CLC 1992 or the Bunker Convention 2001/ LLMC 76/96?
Collision at sea within EEZ of PRC - Forum non conveniens - Whether Hong Kong proceedings should be stayed in favour of Shanghai Maritime Court.
QCR Winter 2020: Collision action - Convoy of eight vessels transiting Suez Canal - Five-ship Casualty - 100% Liability for collisions
The Philippines' Supreme Court decides that a seafarer's heirs are entitled to death benefits