Rule 11
Group Affiliate Cover
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Rule 11
Group Affiliate Cover
- The Managers may accept the entry of any ship upon terms that within the limits and upon the conditions set out in paragraphs (B), (C) and (D) of this Rule, the benefit of the cover afforded by the Association to the Owner in respect of that ship shall be extended to persons or companies affiliated or associated with that Owner. The rights and obligations as between the Association and any such persons or companies (both referred to hereafter in this Rule as Group Affiliates) shall, subject always to paragraphs (B), (C) and (D) of this Rule, be such as may be agreed between the Owner and the Managers.
- The benefit of the cover extended to Group Affiliates in accordance with paragraph (A) of this Rule shall be limited to reimbursement of claims relating to liabilities, costs or expenses incurred by them to the extent that the Owner (i) would have incurred the same liabilities, costs and expenses if the same claims had been pursued against him and (ii) would thereafter have been entitled to obtain reimbursement from the Association in accordance with the terms of entry of the ship in the Association.
- The total liability of the Association in respect of any one event to the Owner and to all Group Affiliates to whom the benefit of that Owner’s cover has been extended in accordance with this Rule shall not exceed such sum as would have been recoverable from the Association in respect of such event by that Owner, and the receipt by any one of the Owner and any such Group Affiliates of that sum or of separate payments by the Association amounting in aggregate to that sum shall be a full and sufficient discharge of the Association’s liability.
- Conduct of any one of the parties insured under this Rule which would have entitled the Association to decline to indemnify him shall be deemed the conduct of all insureds under the same entry.