India bans single use plastic on ships

The Indian Directorate General of Shipping issued Order No.05 of 2019 on 16th October 2019. This order prohibits the use of single use plastic items on board. The requirements apply to all Indian and foreign flagged ships while in Indian territorial waters.

With immediate effect vessels are banned from using plastic cutlery, plates and cups, plastic bottles, garbage and shopping bags and dispensing containers for cleaning fluids which are less than 10 litre of volume.

From January 1 2020 the ban extends to items such as bags, trays, containers, food packaging film, milk bottles, freezer bags, shampoo bottles, ice cream containers, bottles for water and other drinks, hot drink cups, protective packaging for fragile items, ice cream tubs, potato chip (crisp) bags and bottle caps.

Under the Order, Indian registered vessels are required to ensure that single use plastics are neither used nor available on board.

Foreign flag vessels are required to ensure that single use plastics are not in use and are kept in locked storage whilst in Indian ports, and whilst on passage in Indian territorial waters. Foreign ships intending to enter an Indian port are required to make a log entry identifying the single use plastic items on board, and stating the time, latitude and longitude when these items were placed into store prior to entering Indian waters, and the location of that store on the vessel.

Enforcement details are available in the issued order.

It is also important to note that, India will no longer permit single use plastic items to be discharged to its port reception facilities. Ships trading frequently to Indian ports may therefore have to adjust their garbage management plan accordingly in order to facilitate discharge of single use plastic items elsewhere.

For further details, please see the DGS Order No. 05 of 2019

The Directorate has developed a centralized web-portal called "Swachh Sagar" for advanced notification, collection and disposal of collected waste. With effect from 1st August 2019, the waste collection from ships at Indian ports shall only be allowed through this portal. The circular mentions that all ships calling at Indian ports must log on to the portal preferably 24hrs prior arrival and complete the advanced notification form, irrespective of the fact whether they require port reception facility or not at the visiting port.


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