Armed guards - 21 July 2011

Despite recent media suggestions, there is no formal white list of 'approved' marine security companies maintained by UK Club.

However, there are numerous contracts between our Members and such companies that have been approved, in many cases after amendments suggested by us. Approval of a contract does not mean that we have vetted or approved the company in a wider sense - we haven't.

The latest edition of


published this week includes an explanation of how the Club can assist Members entering into such contracts.

Most states and industry associations, including the International Group clubs, remain firmly opposed to the arming of crew and on-board security personnel.

There are risks inherent in the use of arms by untrained or improperly trained persons including an enhanced risk of loss of life or injury, escalation of armed engagement and the use of more potent and warlike weaponry.

A variety of Flag state and port state restrictions, licensing requirements or prohibitions relate to arms on board ships as recently referred to in the

South African Review

and our

loss prevention bulletin 744


P&I cover does not restrict or prohibit per se the deployment of on-board security personnel. But, proper care and diligence should be exercised in relation to the selection of the appointed security company.

More information on good practice in respect of armed guards arrangements, as well as the risks and impact on P&I cover can be found in this latest HiLights which can be downloaded as a



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