Appendix III - Regulations - pursuant to Clause 5U
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Appendix III - Regulations - pursuant to Clause 5U
Nickel Ore Clause
a) An Assured who intends to load any nickel ore cargoes from ports in Indonesia or the Philippines must provide advance notice to the Managers as early as possible before loading. Such notice shall be in writing to the Managers and shall include the following information where possible:
- ship name
- port/anchorage of loading and estimated time of arrival
- date of intended loading
- sub-charterer and/or shipper’s details
- agent’s details
- a copy of the shipper’s cargo declaration and supporting certificates
b) The Managers may, at their discretion, require that a survey of the cargo be conducted on behalf of the Assured to determine the condition of such cargo before loading is allowed to commence which survey may be continued into loading operations.
c) Unless the Club in its discretion otherwise determines, there shall be no recovery from the Club in respect of liabilities, losses, costs or expenses to the extent that such liabilities, losses, costs or expenses result from events relating directly or indirectly to the condition of the cargo where the above specified written notice has not been provided in advance of the loading of the cargo, or where any subsequent requirement or recommendation of the Managers in relation to the cargo has not been complied with.