Circular 4/96: IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code



Dear Sirs,


In July, 1994 the Association sent each Member a complimentary copy of the Guidelines on the Application of the ISM Code prepared by the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Shipping Federation, in order to facilitate timely consideration of the work required to ensure compliance with the Code.

A new edition of the Guidelines was recently published. This includes, in addition to the text of the Code and guidelines for its application, the text of Chapter IX of the SOLAS Convention, IMO's own 'Guidelines on Implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations', and a new chapter on the internal audit process by which shipping companies will need to verify whether their safety and pollution prevention activities comply with their safety management systems. One complimentary copy of the new Guidelines is now being sent by the Association to each Member. If additional copies are required, Members can purchase these from ICS/ISF (phone +44 171 417 8844, fax +44 171 417 8877).

Members are reminded that compliance with the Code becomes mandatory under SOLAS from 1st July, 1998 in respect of all passenger ships, and oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and high speed cargo craft of 500gt and upwards, and from 1st July, 2002 for all other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units of 500gt and upwards. Certification requirements will be implemented by flag administrations or organisations acting on their behalf, and exact details may vary depending on the flag administration's particular interpretation of the Code. Members are therefore advised to ensure that they remain informed as to the precise requirements and timescales set by their relevant flag administration, and should assume that the deadline dates for compliance will not be extended.

Yours faithfully

Staff Author


