

UKクラブは、現地コレスポンデンツであるP&I Servicesより、ニュージーランドで2018年5月15日より施行される生物付着リスク規制(CRMS)に関する情報を入手しました。 また、このCRMS規制とは別に、最近、日本から寄港した自動車専用船でカメムシが発見され入港拒否されたケースが相次いだことから、その最新情報とアドバイスを伝えています。

The Club's local correspondents, P&I Services, have issued the following update on biofouling standards in New Zealand.


In our circular to the Group of April 2017 we drew attention to action being taken by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in accordance with the provisions of the Biosecurity Act 1993 to ensure that ships hulls were "clean" prior to their arrival in New Zealand. By way of general comment MPI has become more vigilant in recent times with respect to the potential introduction of what are referred to in the Act as "unwanted organisms". This approach to hull biofouling and more recently to the presence of Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs on PCC vessels ex. Japan, which has been widely reported in the trade press and on which we have also reported to Group Clubs, are examples of this firm approach.


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PI Club
