インドネシア - スンダ海峡の最新情報
UKクラブは、現地コレスポンデンツSPICA Service (Indonesia)より、昨年12月、火山爆発により発生した津波とその後のスンダ海峡の航路についての情報を入手しました。今回の火山活動による海底の地形変動はいまだ続いていることから、同海峡を通過する船舶は、特に注意が必要です。
The UK Club has received the following update from local correspondents, SPICA Services (Indonesia), regarding the recent tsunami in Indonesia.
Shipping Activity
Indonesia's Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre performed meteorological mapping and found evidence of siltation in the waters around the volcano. They attribute this situation to sedimentation, probably due to volcanic material entering the sea causing variations between 1 meter and 40 meters in the immediate vicinity of the volcano. Actual depth is best confirmed by hydrographic survey. AIS data indicates that there are vessels sailing in and around the Sunda Straits.
The changes in water depths are not yet confirmed and the area does have increased naval activity, monitoring the area. We therefore recommend that vessels passing through are vigilant and stay clear of the area as practically possible.
Members can read the full circular here. For more information, Members can get in touch with their usual club contact.