Press Release:ステラ マリス、戦争が続く中、船員と家族を支援する重要な活動を強化するため、ウクライナに新しい車両を配備

Stella Maris Ukraine vehicle

国際海事慈善団体「ステラ マリス」は、ウクライナでの布教活動と船舶訪問活動のため、リーディングクラブの一つであるUK P&Iクラブからの資金提供を受け、新車両を導入したことを発表いたします。同車両は、オデッサと黒海沿岸での重要な訪船活動に使用されるほか、失業中のウクライナ人船員とその家族への経済的支援、同地域の港湾労働者および退職船員とその家族を支援するために使用されます。

International maritime charity Stella Maris is pleased to announce the deployment of a new vehicle for its chaplaincy and ship-visiting work in Ukraine, funded by leading mutual insurer, the UK P&I Club.

The vehicle, a Renault Express van, will be used to carry out vital ship-visiting work in Odesa and along the Black Sea coast, as well as deliver financial aid to out-of-work Ukrainian seafarers and their families, and support port workers, retired seafarers and their families in the region.

Stella Maris has maintained a physical presence in Ukraine throughout the war and this new vehicle provides a significant boost to its operational efficiency and morale. The vehicle will enhance the charity’s work supporting seafarers and their families and allow its chaplaincy team to extend their outreach as the war in Ukraine continues.

“We are very grateful to the UK P&I Club for stepping forward to fully fund the purchase of a vehicle that is essential for the work of our chaplaincy team in Odesa. The team continues to support seafarers and their families in desperate times and the new vehicle is already being put to great use in Ukraine, led by our local port chaplain Fr Alexander Smerechynskyy, and assistant chaplain Rostyslav Inzhestoikov.

“This is an excellent example of how financial support from our corporate partners and the shipping industry helps ensure that we can go that extra mile in the support we provide to those affected by crisis.” said Stella Maris CEO Tim Hill MBE.

Patrick Ryan Sustainability Director and Head of Club Secretariat from UK P&I Club commented:

The Club has a firm commitment to a range of maritime charities including Stella Maris.  The life of a seafarer can be incredibly tough at the best of times, but during war, the challenges facing these individuals increase exponentially.  Despite the obvious operational hurdles caused by the conflict, Stella Maris has never wavered in its commitment to Ukrainian seafarers and their families and we’re proud to be able to support them to continue to deliver support in these communities.”

Fr Alexander Smerechynskyy, Stella Maris port chaplain in Odesa, added:

“This wonderful donation from UK P&I has made a massive difference, not just to our operations but also to our morale. We can now be much more effective and impactful, the sheer value of knowing we are supported and not forgotten after 19 months of war is beyond measure.”

Staff Author

PI Club
