Press Release: UK P&I クラブ、Maritime Anti-Corruption Networkへ加入


P&I保険とその他サービスで国際海運業界をけん引するUK P&Iクラブは、この度Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)に加入しました。MACNは社会全体の利益のため、腐敗のない海運業界を目指すグローバルビジネスネットワークです。

The UK P&I Club, a leading provider of P&I insurance and other services to the international shipping community, has announced it has joined the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN).

The MACN is a global business network which aims to free the maritime industry of corruption, enabling fair trade tobenefit society as a whole. Established in 2011, the MACN has grown to include over 140 companies worldwide in order to take collective action to tackle all forms of corruption.

The MACN and its members work towards creating a culture of industrywide integrity and eliminating maritime corruption. This is achieved by raising awareness of the challenges faced, developing and sharing best practices and collaborating with governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and civil society to identify and mitigate the root causes of corruption.

Frequent port calls in different countries, dealing with often underpaid and ‘entrepreneurial’ officials, create near-constant demands in some regions. The large number of interactions with a wide variety of officials from customs, immigration, import-export licensing, product safety and standards, mean the opportunities for corruption are high.

Andrew Taylor, Chief Executive, UK P&I Club, says:

“The UK P&I Club is excited to join the MACN and looks forward to working with the network and its members in the elimination of maritime corruption.The aims of the MACN align with the UK P&I Club’s ongoing commitment to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and corporate citizenship. The UK P&I Club recognises the importance of collective action to tackle bribery and corruption.

"We believe the MACN can deliver major benefits to the wider shipping community and the UK Club is keen to cooperate with our new network colleagues to develop best practice”


For further details, please contact:

Jon Atkins/ Alastair Doyle - Four Communications

UKP& / +44 (0) 20 3697 4200

Notes to Editors

The UK P&I Club is a leading provider of P&I insurance and other services to the international shipping community. Established in 1869 the UK P&I Club insures over 244 million tonnes of owned and chartered shipping through its international offices and claims network. ‘A (Negative)’ rated by Standard & Poor’s with free reserves of $559m, the UK P&I Club is renowned for its specialist skills and expertise which ensure ‘best in class’ underwriting, claims handling and loss prevention services.

The UK P&I Club is managed by Thomas Miller, an independent and international insurance, professional and investment services provider.

About Thomas Miller

Thomas Miller is an international provider of market leading insurance services.

Founded in 1885, Thomas Miller’s origins are in the provision of management services to mutual organisations, particularly in the international transport and professional indemnity sectors; where today they manage a large percentage of the foremost insurance mutuals. Increasingly Thomas Miller applies its knowledge and expertise to the development of specialist businesses.

Principal activities include:

  • Management services for transport and professional indemnity insurance mutuals
  • Managing general agency
  • Professional services including legal services, claims and captive management

Staff Author

PI Club
