UK P&Iクラブは、海洋汚染や環境事故そして海難事故への対応に幅広い専門知識と経験を有しています。本書は、米国における油濁リスクに関連する法律や規則の概要を説明するものです。正確性を期すため細心の努力を払っておりますが、あくまでガイダンスとしてご利用いただき、正式な法的助言が必要な場合には、弁護士にご相談ください。米国の海事・環境問題に関する追加情報につきましては、本ページで紹介しております当クラブの米国油濁・環境事故の専門家にお問い合わせください。
The UK P&I Club has extensive expertise and experience in responding to and managing maritime pollution and environmental incidents and casualties.
This document provides an overview of certain laws and regulations relating to oil pollution risks in the USA. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, it is only a guide. If you require formal legal advice, you should consult your lawyer.
For additional information on US maritime and environmental issues, please do not hesitate to contact the Club's US Pollution and Environmental Specialists named on this page.
This document was first issued in 1996 for the benefit of our Members. The information herein is reviewed and updated from time to time. The Club is grateful to Blank Rome LLP for their invaluable assistance in collating the information for this document.