コロンビア港湾における麻薬密輸 - 2022年3月レポート


コロンビアの現地コレスポンデンツ、A&A Multiprimeは、コロンビアの港における麻薬の密輸について、最新レポートを発表しました。同レポートでは最近の新しい密輸手口や、推奨される予防措置、過去3年間の状況を含む最新情報を掲載しています。

The UK Club's local correspondents in Columbia, A&A Multiprime, have issued their latest updated report on drug smuggling in Colombian ports.

The report includes new smuggling methods recently observed on ships, updated new recommendations to avoid the problem and an update on how the situation has been developing over the last 3 years.

Members can download the full report below. For any queries regarding this update, please get in touch with your usual Club contact. 

For more advice on how to deal with narcotics smuggling risks for ships, watch our recent webinar with Signum Services on the issue here, as well as recent advice on measures to prevent the smuggling of cocaine.


Staff Author

PI Club
