専門家に聞く: クレーンワイヤーの損傷

Ask an Expert Crane Wire Failure Kim Chua
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今回の『専門家に聞く』ビデオでは、UKクラブのシニアロスプリベンションアドバイザーであるAnuj Velankarが、Brookes Bellのエンジニアおよび冶金学者であるKim Chua氏とともにクレーンワイヤーの損傷における危険性と、起こりうる事故を説明しています。

The full length video is also available at the UK Club Vimeo page

In this Ask an Expert video Anuj Velankar, Senior Loss Prevention Advisor at the UK P&I Club is joined by Kim Chua, Chartered Engineer and Metallurgist at Brookes Bell to discuss the dangers and implications of crane wire failure.

During the presentation Kim covers the following topics:

  1. Examples of crane wire failures
  2. Post-incident inspection
  3. Testing
  4. Reference documents for maintenance requirements and discard criteria.

The presentation is followed by a quick Q&A session to further explore the topic of crane of wire failures.

For more information please get in touch with the UK Club Loss Prevention team who will be pleased to assist you.

Staff Author

PI Club
